Marcel McCann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marcel McCann)


Investegate |Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. Announcements | Allied Irish...
Investegate announcements from Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c., AIB ANNOUNCES NEW STRUCTURE AND APPOINTMENTS

AIB fills key post
AIB HAS appointed EBS chief executive Fergus Murphy as the new head of its transformation programme

AIB unveils managers to lead its new sectors
Marcel McCann and John McCann retain their roles as operations and technology director and human resources director respectively but now ...

AIB tapping into Sybase – The Irish Times
AIB International Banking Services has placed a £300,000 computer software order with the Dublin office of multinational, Sybase…
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Marcel McCann
Person "Mccann" (1)
Vorname "Marcel" (34961)
Name "Mccann" (640)
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