Marie Smyth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marie Smyth)


(1 - 4 von 14

Noel and Anne Marie Smyth | The Sunday Times
Noel and Anne Marie Smyth. April , 1:56pm, The Sunday Times. RESULTS FOR Ranking: 107= Worth: £67m (€74m) Down: £43m. Source of ...

Co Down mum says stillbirth could have been prevented - BBC News
A County Down woman believes her baby son may have survived if midwives at the Downe Midwifery led unit had listened to her concerns.

Lives lost in 'peace' -
ONCE it seemed that no broadcaster from abroad could get through a report on Northern Ireland without using the phrase 'cycle of violence'. It's a cliché,...

Guardian: Marie Smyth and Jeroen Gunning: The abuse of research | Politics |...

Marie Smyth and Jeroen Gunning: The funding and political agendas of thinktanks mean their reports need to be treated with care.
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