Marilyn Gaa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marilyn Gaa)


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Protesters make stand against missile program - The Globe and Mail
Grannies raged in Montreal and clowns and jugglers marched on Parliament Hill on Saturday as part of what was billed as a national day of action against...

CANADA: Govt Talks on U.S. Missile Plan Boosts Peace Movement | Inter...
... for the animosity of the countries that hate the United States – with good reason ,” said Raging Grannies member Marilyn Gaa in an interview.

George W. Bush garners noisy protest in Edmonton | CTV News
While former U.S. president George W. Bush talked about democracy inside a downtown Edmonton conference centre on Tuesday, hundreds of protesters were outside...

Edmontonians put their mark on Obama campaign | CTV News
An Edmonton resident who is making waves on the Obama campaign in the U.S. is celebrating Wednesday after Democrats officially made Barack Obama their official...
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