Mario Ruben Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Ruben)


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Google News: Lugo se reúne este lunes con equipo energético

[Portal Paraguayo de Noticias] - Además participarán de la reunión los miembros de la Junta Departamental, Teresita Tufari, Marta Jacquet Benítez, Nicolás Bernardino Ocampos Jiménez, Carlos Elías Ledesma Segovia, Wilson Inocente Barrios Argüello, Mario Rubén Denis y Epifanio Ávalos

Google News: SiMoNa optimiert OLEDs

[Photonik] - Mario Ruben vom Institut für Nanotechnologie sowie Dr. Robert Maul vom Institut für Theoretische Festkörperphysik (TFP) des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) haben nun die intelligente Software SiMoNa (Simulation Molekularer Nanostrukturen)

Google News: Self-Assembling Electronic Nano-Components

[PCBDesign007] - For fabrication of an electronic nano-device, a team of INT researchers headed by Mario Ruben adopted a trick from nature: Synthetic adhesives were applied to magnetic molecules in such a way that the latter docked on to the proper positions on a

SiMoNa optimizes organic light-emitting diodes
[Nanowerk LLC] - (Photo: Christian Gruppe and Willi Müller) Researchers of the team directed by Professor Dr. Wolfgang Wenzel and Professor Dr. Mario Ruben from the Institute of Nanotechnology and by Dr. Robert Maul from the Institute for Theoretical Solid-State
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