Mario Zutt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Zutt)


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BBC NEWS | UK | A German perspective: 'It's our heritage too'
Two German participants in events commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme say why they believe it is so important that they take part.

Guardian: Royals pay tribute to fallen of the Somme | UK news | The Guardian

Prince Charles marks 90th anniversary of the Great War's bloody battle.

German visitors honour the dead
The families of German soldiers who fought and died on the Somme yesterday marched with British relatives to remember those who were slaughtered.

Hrvatska - Page Politika - Srbija i region -...
Mario Zutt, a 35-year-old accountant from Biskirchen, 100km north of Frankfurt, is going to France for the Somme commemoration as one of
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