Marita Wenner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marita Wenner)


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PPL Donates $8,250 to Wayne Pike American Red Cross for Weather Radios
... Pike County commissioner; Fred Gelderman, Lackawaxen Township supervisor; Marita Wenner, Wayne Pike American Red Cross executive ...

Planschen zur Geisterstunde
Billerbeck. Nein, die Harten gehen nicht in den Garten. Sie gehen um 22 Uhr zum Nachtschwimmen ins Freibad, jedenfalls am Freitagabend. Warum auch nicht? Zuvor...

Hurricane Sandy: Eric Corliss of the Oregon Red Cross playing a key...
Eric Corliss has built a 16-year career with the Red Cross by getting things done, so it's no surprise he was chosen by the national organization to take the...

Oregon Red Cross volunteers assisting victims of Superstorm Sandy › › post_110
· The director of operations, Marita Wenner, center, talks with a volunteer at the agency's nerve center in North Brunswick.
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