Mark Krupa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark Krupa)


(1 - 4 von 8

Ottawa cop loses appeal on unreasonable force conviction | Ottawa Sun
An Ottawa police officer found guilty of using unreasonable force in the arrest of a teenage speeder has lost his appeal. The Ontario Civilian Police...

Two Montrealers go medieval - The Globe and Mail
Drawing on years of Dungeons & Dragons, two former high-school buddies create a film that's winning awards on the festival circuit

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We are a leading collision repair centre in Pickering Ontario. We live and work in our community - Durham Region. Check out what we're up to on our blog.

Union wants cop’s conviction appealed | Ottawa Sun
The head of the Ottawa Police Association said he believes an appeal in warranted after a cop was found guilty this week of excessive force for kneeing a...
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