Mark Lugert Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark Lugert)


Autonomic's ARC-P Government Cloud Receives FISMA Moderate Authority...
With ATO - Autonomic Looks to Unveil Its IaaS and Several First to Market SaaS Platforms ...

consilium1 Tackling Big Data with Specialized Service Offerings
IT services and solutions company offers customizable, scalable, and elastic

Bob Bickel is back for round II of social networking - CNET
What happens when you go ringside with some of the best open-source business minds in the industry? A great new company is born.

Nuxeo and Simflofy Partner to Help Organizations
Strategic partnership enables organizations to connect to all of their disparate stores of content without the cost, pain and risk of migrations ...
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Person "Lugert" (2)
Vorname "Mark" (32264)
Name "Lugert" (213)
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