Mark Ruffing Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark Ruffing)


(1 - 4 von 6

Silicon Valley adds tech jobs, homeless | Fox News
The Silicon Valley is adding jobs faster than it has in more than a decade as the tech industry roars back. But a bleaker record is also being set this year:...

Capital City Energy Group's Hotwell Services Subsidiary Ramps up...
Mark Ruffing, © Business Wire. Sie erhalten auf kostenlose ...

Billionaires get richer as record number of Silicon Valley residents...
Huge economic disparities are on show in the Silicon Valley, California. While homelessness rose 20 percent in two years, the region's top tech earners are...

GMX DSL sperrt Linux User aus — CHIP-Forum
GMX DSL ist ab gestern, für alle Neukunden, nur noch über eine Windows Einwahlsoftware möglich. Ich habe dort angerufen und man hat mir diese bestätigt.
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