Markus Sperl Person-Info 

( Ich bin Markus Sperl)


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Family Reunification Legislation in EuropeThe Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
Registrations for the event must be received by 3 November and can be addressed to Markus Sperl (), including full name, date of birth ...

Familienzusammenführungsg-Gesetzgebung in EuropaThe Greens/EFA in the European Parliament
Registrations for the event must be received by 3 November and can be addressed to Markus Sperl (), including full name, date of birth ... Registrations for the event must be received by 3 November and can be addressed to Markus Sperl (), including full name, date of birth ...

Position paper on participatory value elicitation was ...Freie Universität Berlin
... Markus Sperl, and Claudia Müller-Birn) has been accepted for the Workshop "Partizipative und sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung” at the Conference Markus Sperl, and Claudia Müller-Birn) has been accepted for the Workshop "Partizipative und sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung” at the Conference ...

Veranstaltungen des FID move für April und Mai 24FID move
— Anhand konkreter Use-Cases stellen Markus Sperl von der Technologiestiftung Berlin und Alexandra Kappdie von der HTW Berlin aktuellen — Anhand konkreter Use-Cases stellen Markus Sperl von der Technologiestiftung Berlin und Alexandra Kappdie von der HTW Berlin aktuellen ...
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