Martin Dudzik Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Dudzik)


news - Venezia Shorts Italy
There are a lot of heroes behind The Substitute - like Martin Dudzik the Director of Photography and Jenny Kim the Production Designer and Bryce Calder the ... › news

镜像世界- 知乎
Martin Dudzik. 其他. Niall Cassin. 其他. Ian Doig. 其他. Tanis Dolman. 其他. Rob Fournier. 其他. Diana Studenberg. 其他. Jon Jovellanos. › intro

Blanket Barricade - Stray Shadows (directed by Marshall Axani)
— Associate Producer - Chris Judson Director of Photography - Martin Dudzik Production Designers - Bardia Garshasebi & Janice Rae 1st ... › stories
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