Martin Jonikas Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Jonikas)


(1 - 4 von 31

Verbesserte Kohlendioxid-Fixierung dank Mikrokompartiment –...
Ein erster Durchbruch gelang dem Team von Martin Jonikas, Leiter der Arbeitsgruppen in Carnegie/Stanford und Princeton. Sie identifizierten ...

Martin Jonikas | Carnegie's Department of Plant Biology
Young investigator Martin Jonikas has broad ambitions: to transform our fundamental understanding of photosynthetic organisms by ...

The Pyrenoid is a Carbon-Fixing Liquid Droplet - Nanobay
Plants and algae use the enzyme Rubisco to fix carbon dioxide, removing it from the atmosphere and converting it into biomass. Algae have figured out a way to...

Plant metabolic protein tailored for nighttime growth
Everyone who took high school biology learned that photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae and select bacteria transform the Sun's energy into...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Martin Jonikas
Vorname "Martin" (86745)
Name "Jonikas" (9)
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