Martina Laska Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martina Laska)


BerkShares and Artistic Community - Schumacher Center for New...
... Berkshire Pulse, the Barrington Jazz Quartet, Martina Laska and Mountain Spirit Revival, the HooDoo Rythym Dogs, and Vikki True. Some of ...Over 400 people were brought to their feet by a diverse and talented range of local dancers and musicians including Berkshire Pulse, the Barrington Jazz Quartet, Martina Laska and Mountain Spirit Revival, the HooDoo Rythym Dogs, and Vikki True. Some of the local artists whose work is featured on ...

An evening with Martina Laska at Bogies / - The...
Original Contemporary Folk & Blues Martina Laska graduated from Queens College with a BA in Anthropology and moved to Massachusetts in Inspired by...
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