Mary Reis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mary Reis)


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globo: Relembre outros casos de atropelamentos após assaltos - Jornal O Globo

RIO - Depois ter sua bolsa roubada por ladrões em duas bicicletas, a cardiologista Rose Mary Reis Haddad, de 54 anos, morreu ao ser atropelada na Avenida Vieira ...

Mary Reis Faulkner Farley – The Devine News
Mary Reis Faulkner Farley passed away in the early morning on Sunday,October 7, at her ranch house in D'Hanis at the age of 89 years.

Mary Reis Stout collection: Veterans History Project (Library of...
Mary Reis Stout: Veterans History Project of the Library of Congress.

Manitowoc County food pantry need: New fund seeks to help | Letters
To address this need, the combination of the Board of the Endowment Fund and George and Mary Reis would match $1 for every $3 raised in the community. The match would be a maximum of $7,500. RELATED: Manitowoc County drug court aims to create sober, drug-free lives. RELATED: Manitowoc's ...
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Person "Reis" (7)
Vorname "Mary" (13882)
Name "Reis" (3528)
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