Mary Tinetti Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mary Tinetti)


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Exercise programs may lower the risk of serious falls for older ...
— Dr. Mary Tinetti, who also studies falls in the elderly at Yale but wasn't involved in the new study, told Reuters Health by email that this ... › article

Sturzprävention wirkt | PZ – Pharmazeutische Zeitung
PZ / Programme zur Sturzprävention können die Sturzraten älterer Menschen erheblich senken. Mary Tinetti und ihre Kollegen von der Yale School of Medicine ...

FDA panel: new decongestants likely work
... completed to date is that the 10 milligram dose is probably effective, but it's murky,' said Yale University Professor Mary Tinetti,

Hartford Foundation Congratulates Longtime Grantee Mary Tinetti, MDon...
Groundbreaking research on older … falls identified multiple risk factors and strategies to reduce fall-related injury and death.
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Justin Dunn
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Name "Tinetti" (6)
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