Massimo Catarinella Person-Info 

( Ich bin Massimo Catarinella)


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A heads up on air quality | NCAR & UCAR News
NCAR scientists are working to create a system to produce more detailed air pollution forecasts. (Photo by Massimo Catarinella via Wikipedia Commons.).

ACLU Sues Indiana Over Child Services Caseloads | WBAA
A Department of Child Services case manager say she’s handling way too many cases, putting children’s lives at risk, because the agency won’t hire enough

Bodennahes Ozon: „Da muss noch viel getan werden“
Vor 20 Jahren, am , gab es den ersten Ozonalarm: Weil aufgrund des lang anhaltenden heißen Wetters die bodennahen Ozonkonzentration stiegen,...

Bicycle Anecdotes From Amsterdam - Resilience
Amsterdam cyclist image via Massimo Catarinella/wikimedia.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Massimo Catarinella
Vorname "Massimo" (3270)
Name "Catarinella" (13)
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