Hamburg im Yasni Exposé von Matias Block

(974 seit 07.10.2008)


Geburtsname: Block, Land: Deutschland, Telefon: +491724087412, Messenger: matiasblock, E-Mail: matiasblock (at), Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: Nüsse und Trockenfrüchte Bio und konventionelle Qualitäten.
Matias Block @ Matias Block Import-Export, Hamburg

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Matias Block @ Hamburg
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3 Informationen zu Matias Block

Ungültige URL: Matias Block – Import Export - Abteistr.2 – D 20149 Hamburg – Tel. /Fax +49 40 57709459 -

Your partner for first quality nuts, dried fruits, oilseeds and vegetable oils In organic and conventional qualities
Matias Block @ Hamburg
0x 27.04.11  +  

CV Matias Block

Matias Block Abteistr.2 D-20149 Hamburg Harvestehude Germany Tel.:+49 40  577 094 59 Mobile: +49 172 408 74 12 e-mail:                                                                 CURRICULUM VITAE   Birthday / City:                                      06.04.1961 in Buenos Aires / Argentina Citizenships:                                         Argentine / German Languages:                                           English, Spanish, French, Russian knowledge PC:                                                         MS Office, Powerpoint, Excel, Lotus, Amipro   01.05.2009 until present:                    Matias Block Import-Export. Representant of major                                                                 organic and conventional producers for ediibole nuts, dried                                                                 fruits and vegetable oils . Trade and consodilation of the                                                                 european market and sourcing of the best quality producers                                                                 from far east, china, southamerica , latin america and USA.                                                                Organic and fair trade projects certifications and their                                                                marketing.   1.10.2006 until 30.04.2009                Reforma-Werk Andreas Stellisch GmbH, Barsbüttel-Stellau                                                                Purchase and sales Manager for the production and sales                                                                departements. Purchase of raw materials for the german                                                                industry. Main items organic and conventional  nuts, oilseeds,                                                                dried fruits, cereals. Set up of organic projects, mainly in                                                                Usbekistan, Turkey  and Moldova.                                                                  1.10.2005 until 30.09.2006               Edwin Lorenz GmbH&Co KG, Norderstedt -Hamburg.                                                               Trader / Agent for import and export of organic and                                                               conventional nuts, oilseeds, dried fruits, frozen and liquid                                                               fruits, canned food, oils.   1.4.2001 until  30.9.2005                Carl Wilhelm Clasen GmbH, C.W.C.Trading GmbH,                                                             Ernst-Georg Göck Fruchtagentur GmbH.                                                             Trader for organic and conventional nuts, organic                                               Organic projects in Moldova, Turkey .Oilseeds, dried fruits,                                                   fruits. Product developements for the snack industry.     1.10.1997 until 31.03.2001              Herbert A.H.Behrens S.A.,Buenos Aires.                                                              Seller for Groundnut kernels of own production from the                                                              province Córdoba, Crop assesment, field and production                                                              evaluation. Agency sales for milkpowder, butter und casein                                                              from argentina and uruguay. Agency sales for exports from                                                              argentina,chile and urguay to USA and europe, main fields                                                              oilseeds, grain, dried fruits, honey and feedstuffs. 1.5.1989 until 30.9.1997            Frumentum GmbH / ANDRE GERMANY, Hamburg.                                                        Agent of the company André & Cie S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland .                                                       Purchase and sales of their whole agricultural and financial                                                       products. Trader for grains, oilseeds, sugar, barter trade.                                                       As from december 1996 General Manager for germany.                                                       Setup and developement of new business fileds,                                                       mainly trade of grounndnut kernels, cashew kernels, cofee beans,                                                       soy lecithin, chartering of bulk shipment vessels.                    1.7.1987 until  31.3.1989                               Alfred C.Toepfer International GmbH&Co., Hamburg. Trader for grains, feedstuffs and oilseeds from USA / argentina , paraguay , india, pakistan . Execution of their charter fleets and commodities flow for the european industry clients.   1.5.1986 until 30.6.1987                                Purchase and sales of south american agricultural products at Arfs GmbH&Co.,Hamburg. Main products: frozen fish,  leather, beans, groundnut kernels, dried fruits, sugar, feedstuffs.   April 1986:                                                       Graduation at Handelskammer Hamburg (IHK) as import-export international recognised salesman                                                   1.2.1980 until 31.5.83                            Deutsche Bank AG, Buenos Aires.                                                                    Credit departement auditor for the argentine industry                                                                    further study at Deutsche Bank AG Hamburg for                                                                    international payment and credit audits.     1979:                                                   Saint George’s College, Quilmes, Buenos Aires                                                                Argentine Baccaleurate , Advanced English levels from the                                                              Cambridge University, First Certificate in English, Ordinary                                                              School Certificate, General Certificate of Education,                                                              Test of English as a Foreign Language,                                                              Scholastic Aptitude Test.     Hamburg, April 2.011      
Matias Block @ Hamburg
yasni 11.12.08  +  

Matias Block

Hamburg Area, Germany
1x 11.12.08  +  

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