Matt Nolan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Matt Nolan)


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Auckland powerhouse of recovery
[New Zealand Herald] - Infometrics economist Matt Nolan noted than when part-timers who want to work more hours are included, the "underemployment rate" is per cent, its highest for a year. Full-time employment increased 0.2 per cent in the quarter, its smallest

Workers put in the hours to stay ahead
[New Zealand Herald] - "The Reserve Bank will not be able to ignore the increasing threat of wage inflation," Infometrics economist Matt Nolan said. Inflation expectations were elevated and the bank would want to prevent them feeding into wage growth, he said.

Google News: Crystalline, le nouveau clip de Björk réalisé par Michel Gondry

[] - La mélodie de ce morceau est le fruit du gameleste, créé spécialement pour Björk. Imaginé par Matt Nolan et Björgvin Tómasson, cet instrument de musique inédit est l'hybride de gamelan (percussions javanaises) et de celesta (percussions à clavier).

Trade surpluses 'close to peaking'
[New Zealand Herald] - Infometrics economist Matt Nolan said the June quarter trade surplus was the second largest since September 2001, and the largest if April's importation of aircraft is excluded. "High export prices will keep the trade balance in surplus for the
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