Merritt Farmer Person-Info 

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Recipe: Brownies — Fannie Merritt Farmer style | The Seattle ...
Fannie Merritt Farmer was an influential New England cooking teacher with a flair for marketing and promotion whose “The Boston ...

#TBT: When Fannie Farmer wrote her first cookbook and changed...
Fannie Merritt Farmer's self-published tome, The Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, was 600 pages, contained almost 1,500 recipes, ...

Merritt - Farmer's Market - Explore Gold Country
Gold Country is set in the heart of British Columbia’s stunningly diverse Interior. Alpine mountains, wildflower meadows, sagebrush scented desert and vast...

Los Angeles Times - Page unavailable in your region
Revising an old American cookbook can be a greater responsibility than anyone imagines. Consider, for example, the case of Spanish rice.Spanish rice was often...
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Person "Farmer" (1)
Vorname "Merritt" (18)
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