Mian Abuzar Shad Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mian Abuzar Shad)


(1 - 4 von 26

2 ministers to plead Punjab energy case with Centre - PakTribune

The LCCI Vice President Mian Abuzar Shad said that the government should implement some mechanism to expedite consultation with the real ...

FPCCI, LCCI welcome LHC decision on Kalabagh Dam - Business Recorder

RECORDER REPORT LAHORE: The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry have welcomed the Lahore

Bilour to visit LCCI next week

LAHORE - Federal Minister for Railways Ghulam Ahmad Bilour will visit Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry next week to brief the business community on...

Industry stresses need for belt-tightening

Says failure to cut spending will lead to more poverty.
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