Michael Auwärter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Auwärter)


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Automobil - Park Auwärter

Datum/Zeit : :00 Uhr. Die Künstler, Inge Lesser, Katarzyna Mis-Dziarmagowska und Michael Auwärter stellen aus. Veranstaltungsort

Oskaloosa News

— ... Michael Auwaerter. Rodney was preceded in death by his parents. As was his wish, Rodney's body has been cremated, and his ashes will be ...

stammbaum - pafc Erstellt mit Personal Ancestral File

Johann Michael Auwärter. 1 Evangelische Kirche Faurndau (OA. Göppingen)., Faurndau Kirchenbuch, (Stuttgart : Ev.

Linda GroverThe Hutchinson News

— Besides her husband, survivors include her mother of Montrose; three sons, Bryan Auwaerter of Utah, Michael Auwaerter of Iowa, Patrick ...
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