Michael Heemels Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Heemels)


(1 - 4 von 11

Ruim jaar cel voor ex-PVV'er Michael Heemels | Binnenland ...

De rechtbank in Maastricht heeft ex-PVV'er Michael Heemels dinsdag veroordeeld tot achttien maanden gevangenisstraf, waarvan vier ...

Dutch Muslims concerned by mosque attacks - Yahoo ...

We do not promote that,'' Michael Heemels, a party spokesman, told Al Jazeera on behalf of Geert Wilders. "But we do feel that it is terrible that ...

Dutch far right leader's aide spent 180,000 euros on high life, say...

Michael Heemels, who stepped down in February, is alleged to have spent the money on alcohol, drugs, jewellery, electronics, designer ...

Michael Heemels News - The latest news from TRT World

At TRT World, audiences can expect balanced, in-depth reporting with a focus on global responsibility. We bring you michael heemels news coverage 24 hours a...
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