Michael Hermann Gimpel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Hermann Gimpel)


(1 - 4 von 10

Normally bustling New York City turns eerily quiet ahead of storm -...

New York City, that land of hustle and bustle, took on a new character Saturday: Quietness, punctuated by bursts of activity.

Pioneer sportscaster Michael dies at Washington Times

Longtime Washington sportscaster George Michael died Thursday morning, ending a larger-than-life career marked by groundbreaking innovations and an outsized...

George Michael dies at 70; sportscaster pioneered the highlights show...

A longtime fixture on the Washington, D.C., television scene, he reached a national audience with 'The George Michael Sports Machine.'

Bergwacht Nesselwang wählt neuen Leiter | all-in.de - das Allgäu ...

Stabwechsel bei der Bergwachtbereitschaft Nesselwang: Nach acht Jahren gibt Sepp Korn das Amt des Bereitschaftsleiters in jüngere Hände. Die Bergretter wählten einstimmig Michael Gimpel zu seinem Nachfolger.
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