English Hymnal im Yasni Exposé von Michael Lamla

(5630 seit 24.09.2008)



Michael Lamla, 59, Saarbrücken

Geburtsname: Michael Hubert Anton, Spitzname: Michi, Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Deutsch
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken

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704 Informationen zu Michael Lamla

A Few More Years Shall Roll (The English Hymnal No. 361) - YouTube

1. A few more years shall roll, / A few more seasons come, / And we shall be with those that rest / In peace beyond the tomb; / Then, O my Lord, prepare / My...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtube.com 10.04.15  +  

What Sweet Of Live Endureth - YouTube

What Sweet Of Life Endureth (The English Hymnal No. 360) 1. What sweet of life endureth / Unmixed with bitter pain? / 'Midst earthly change and chances / Wha...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 29.03.15  +  

O Lord, To Whom The Spirits Live (The English Hymnal No. 359) - YouTube

1. O Lord, to whom the spirits live / Of all the faithful passed away, / Upon their path that brightness give / Which shineth to the perfect day: / Refrain: ...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 22.03.15  +  

Now The Labourer's Toils Are O'er (The English Hymnal No. 358) - YouTube

1. Now the labourer's toils are o'er; / Fought the battle, won the crown; / On life's rough and barren shore / Thou hast laid thy burden down: / Refrain: Gra...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 15.03.15  +  

Lord Jesu, Who At Lazarus' Tomb (The English Hymnal No. 357) - YouTube

1. Lord Jesu, who at Lazarus’ tomb / To weeping friends from death’s dark womb / Didst bring new joy to life, / Grant to the friends who stand forlorn / A vi...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 08.03.15  +  

Jesu, Son Of Mary (The English Hymnal No. 356) - YouTube

Yesu Bin Mariamu 1. Jesu, Son of Mary, / Fount of life alone, / Here we hail thee present / On thine altar-throne. / Humbly we adore thee, / Lord of endless ...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 01.03.15  +  

In Paradise Reposing (The English Hymnal No. 355) - YouTube

For a young child. 1. In Paradise reposing, / By life's eternal well, / The tender lambs of Jesus / In greenest pastures dwell. 2. There palms and tiny crown...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 22.02.15  +  

Hear What The Voice From Heaven Proclaims (The English Hymnal No. 354) - YouTube

1. Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims / For all the pious dead; / Sweet is the savour of their names, / And soft their sleeping bed. 2. They die in Je...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 15.02.15  +  

Gentle Shepherd, Thou Hast Stilled (The English Hymnal No. 353) - YouTube

Part 1. For a Child 1. Gentle Shepherd, thou hast stilled / Now thy little lamb's long weeping, / In thy loving arms 'tis sleeping / Ah! how peaceful, pure a...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 08.02.15  +  

Father Of Spirits, Whose Divine Control (The English Hymnal No. 352) - YouTube

1. Father of spirits, whose divine control / Doth bind the soul and body into one, / Thou wilt restore this body now undone; / For once it was the mansion of...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 31.01.15  +  

Thou, Lord, Hast Power To Heal (The English Hymnal No. 349) - YouTube

1. Thou, Lord, hast power to heal, / And thou wilt quickly aid, / For thou dost deeply feel / The stripes upon us laid: / Thou who wast wounded by the rod / ...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 24.01.15  +  

The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden (The English Hymnal No. 348) - YouTube

1. The voice that breathed o'er Eden, / That earliest wedding day, / The primal marriage blessing, / It hath not passed away: 2. Still in the pure espousal /...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 17.01.15  +  

O Thou Who Gavest Power To Love (The English Hymnal No. 347) - YouTube

1. O Thou who gavest power to love / That we might fix our hearts on thee, / Preparing us for joys above / By that which here on earth we see: 2. Thy Spirit ...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 11.01.15  +  

O Perfect Love, All Human Thought Transcending (The English Hymnal No. 346) - YouTube

1. O perfect Love, all human thought transcending, / Lowly we kneel in prayer before thy throne, / That theirs may be the love which knows no ending / Whom t...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 04.01.15  +  

O Father All Creating (The English Hymnal No. 345) - YouTube

1. O Father, all creating, / Whose wisdom, love, and power / First bound two lives together / In Eden’s primal hour, / To-day to these thy children / Thine e...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 28.12.14  +  

Thine For Ever! God Of Love (The English Hymnal No. 344) - YouTube

1. Thine for ever! God of love, / Hear us from thy throne above; / Thine forever may we be / Here and in eternity. 2. Thine for ever! O how blest / They who ...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 21.12.14  +  

Lord, In Thy Presence Dread And Sweet (The English Hymnal No. 342) - YouTube

1. Lord, in thy presence dread and sweet, / Thine own dear Spirit we entreat / His sevenfold gifts to shed / On us, who fall before thee now, / Bearing the C...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 07.12.14  +  

My God, Accept My Heart This Day (The English Hymnal No. 341) - YouTube

1. My God, accept my heart this day, / And make it always thine, / That I from thee no more may stray, / No more from thee decline. 2. Before the Cross of hi...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 30.11.14  +  

With Christ We Share A Mystic Grave (The English Hymnal No. 339) - YouTube

1. With Christ we share a mystic grave, / With Christ we buried lie; / But ’tis not in the darksome cave / By mournful Calvary. 2. The pure and bright baptis...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 23.11.14  +  

Lord Jesu Christ, Our Lord Most Dear (The English Hymnal No. 338) - YouTube

1. Lord Jesu Christ, our Lord most dear, / As thou wast once an infant here, / So give this child of thine, we pray, / Thy grace and blessing day by day. Ref...
Michael Lamla @ Saarbrücken
youtu.be 16.11.14  +  

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