Michael Parietti Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Parietti)


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North Jersey Media Group

Local activists Michael Parietti and Robert Romanowski, who filed petitions to force the town to hold the referendums, said a ward system will ...

Ramapo sets ward referendums for Sept. 30

Ramapo set referendums for Sept. 30 to decide whether to have a ward system and to increase the number of Town Board members from four to six.

Michael Parietti: Primary Candidate for Rockland County Legislative...

Ran against St. Lawrence in on the Preserve Rockland line with Ed Day who was running for County Executive. The votes Day received ...

Candidate Bio w/Video: Michael Parietti for Rockland County...

Michael Parietti I was born and raised in western Ramapo. Graduate of Suffern High School and the United States Military Academy at West Point. Eagle Scout, 4 T
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Patrick Erismann
Vorname "Michael" (149265)
Name "Parietti" (10)
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