Michael Wiegers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Wiegers)


(1 - 4 von 27

New book resurrects troubled, talented poet Frank Stanford | The...

The work of poet Frank Stanford, whose turbulent life ended in suicide, is experiencing a well-deserved renaissance. Port Townsend publisher Copper Canyon...

Mit dem Bus zum Karneval - nw.de

Kümmern sich um ihre Gäste: Heinrich Dohmann (v. l.), Lukas Wöstefeld, Max Spieker, Dietmar Block, Dietmar Hütte, Michael Wiegers und Thomas Weber.

Griffin Poetry Prize awarded to Liz Howard for ‘Infinite Citizen of...

Liz Howard choked back tears as she accepted the $65,000 Griffin Poetry Prize on Thursday night.

‘This is a debut book – holy crap’: Liz Howard takes the $65,

Liz Howard became the youngest winner of the Griffin Poetry Prize on Thursday, receiving the $65,000 award for her collection Infinite Citizen of the Shaking...
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