Michael Wiesenthal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Wiesenthal)


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Löschgruppe Müschede mit neuer Leitung – Michael Wiesenthal folgt auf...

Müschede. Die Löschgruppe Müschede veranstaltete am Samstag, den 15. Dezember in der Müscheder Schützenhalle ihre Weihnachtsfeier, anlässlich derer eine Ära zu...

Houston residents, by the thousands, mourn President George H.W. Bush...

Thousands of Houstonians turned up on Thursday to pay their respects to late President George H.W. Bush, a U.S. Northeast transplant who had made Texas his...

Giving of himself to save a life - Herald Community Newspaperswww.liherald.com › stories › givin...

Randy underwent testing and found out that he was a perfect match for Michael Wiesenthal, a 50-year-old clothing retailer from Texas.
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