Michael Witter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Witter)


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Golden Apple: Congratulations to Michael Witter!RochesterFirst

— Congratulations to Michael Witter, this week's Golden Apple Award winner. He is the band director at Clyde-Savannah High School.

Besuch angehender Diplomaten aus ÄgyptenBayerischer Landtag

— Michael Witter, Programmdirektor Internationale Diplomatenausbildung Auswärtiges Amt, stattfand. In seinem Vortrag erläuterte Peter Worm ...

New York City's Witter Family Office expands into ...Austin Journal

— The company was founded in with Pryor and her husband, Michael Witter. She handles the investment arm of the company and operations for ...

The Witter Family Office Expands to Austin, Texas ...WAFB

— Sherry Pryor Witter co-founded the Witter Family Office in late with her husband, Michael Witter. Sherry runs the investment arm as ...
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