Michael Zucchi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Zucchi)


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ZBRELLA CEO Michael Zucchi to Speak at Constructech Technology Day...

Constructech's annual event. SANTA CLARA, CA (PRWEB) October 04, ...

Evolution Release

The Evolution Team is pleased to announce the release of Evolution You can download the following :...

Evolution Release - Linux Compatible

(Michael Zucchi) # Evolution sends a GetFolderListRequest instead of a LogoutRequest when disabling an account (Vivek) # More Command Line Spew (Michael Zucchi) # Evolution crashes moving IMAP folder to local folder (Michael Zucchi) # Crash after posting to newsgroup (Michael Zucchi)

Evolution bekommt Nachhilfe in Sachen IMAP

Der IMAP-Support gehört nicht unbedingt zu den Stärken des Gnome-Mailprogramms Evolution. Der indische Gnome-Entwickler Chenthill Palanisamy will dies nun ändern. Um den IMAP-Support von Evolution grundlegend zu verbessern, hat Chenthill den IMAP-Support durch die imapx-Engine von Michael Zucchi ersetzt. Dadurch beherrscht Evolution in der aktuellen ...
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