Miho Yamamoto Person-Info 

( Ich bin Miho Yamamoto)


(1 - 4 von 5

‘Local Sightings’ spotlights Pacific Northwest film talents | The...

When the Local Sightings Film Festival debuted 17 years ago, it was a three-day affair. This year it’s expanding to 10 days to accommodate a growing...

Canadian doc ‘The Exhibition’ wins International Emmy Award |...

Canadian documentary The Exhibition won an International Emmy Award on Monday night in New York City.

Mentors ‘strive’ to help students go to college – The Mercury News

Michael J. Carter graduated from Prospect High School in Since then, he went on to found 'Strive for College,' a nonprofit organization that matches high...

Japanese woman clings to hope that identical twin alive in North...

Misa Morimoto spoke to no one for 18 years about her identical twin sister who vanished when they were 20, not even to her own children. On the rare occasions...
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