Mike Frese Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Frese)


(1 - 4 von 14

Seahawks' new snapper Nolan Frese trying to stay out of ...The Seattle Times

— So Mike Frese taught Nolan how to snap to take advantage, and as he says he “ended up being pretty good at it and it just carried over from ...

Lujan easily wins CD3 primary; Frese wins in CD1 - Washington Times

Congressman Ben Ray Lujan easily defeated a challenger in New Mexico's Democratic primary Tuesday, while Republican Mike Frese of Corrales won the GOP bid for...

Frese brings scientific perspective to race – New Mexico News Port

By Rachael Rivera and Derrick Toledo / NM News Port /. Republican Mike Frese, a scientist who runs a computer modeling business, ...

In Their Own Words: Angela Leet on Louisville's biggest issues |...

Angela Leet is a Republican running for Louisville mayor in Subscribe to WLKY on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1e5KyMO Get more Louisville news:...
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