Mike Johanns Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Johanns)


(1 - 4 von 66

Letter, 8/13: They promised reform

[Lincoln Journal Star] - Ben Nelson and Mike Johanns? If nothing else, give us the same health plan that we as taxpayers furnish you, or cancel yours and see how the

Google News: Guest column: Be honest with US farmers about cap-and-trade

[DesMoinesRegister.com] - MIKE JOHANNS (R-Neb.), served as agriculture secretary in the Bush administration. Contact: .gov • July 28, Agriculture

Google News: Johanns to Vote Against Sotomayor

[KPTM-TV] - OMAHA (KPTM) - Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns says he will vote against the confirmation of US Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Johanns issues statement on Obama's health care remarks

[McCook Daily Gazette] - WASHINGTON -- Senator Mike Johanns responded to the President's health care remarks from last night by pointing out that recent studies reveal the proposed
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