Mike Michaud Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mike Michaud)


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HUFFPOST HILL - Your Friendly HuffPost Hill Union Busting Update

[Huffington Post] - Mike Michaud (D-ME) is luring lobbyists and donors with chocolate. The Democrat is asking PACs for between $1000 and $5000 to attend his lunch at the Caucus

SGA turns stormy

[The Critic] - Mike Michaud, the representative for Sigma Zeta, was also voted in as the new vice president of residential and commuter affairs, filling the empty seat

Google News: Bowdoin Brief: Third Maine Career Fair brings 58 state employers to campus

[Bowdoin Orient] attracted several high-profile names in government, including representatives from the offices of Senator Olympia Snowe and Congressman Mike Michaud.

Google News: House Dem voter attrition in 2010

[Swing State Project] and this doesn't appear to be any unobserved Maine-specific effect (Libby Mitchell coattails? heh) as Mike Michaud had a differential of just +4.8.
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