Mira Nair Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mira Nair)


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Can You Feel the Love?

[Huffington Post (blog)] - Mira Nair sounded the ultimate grace note when she summed up the spirit of the Apollo: "If we don't tell our own stories, no one else will." Here's to not remaining silent. What we ate: succulent Moroccan spiced chicken and couscous in a red pepper

Google News: College trustees consider NASB, approve tenure, alumni awards

[Bowdoin Orient] - The degree of Doctor of Fine Arts will go to Mira Nair, an internationally acclaimed Indian filmmaker whose credits include titles such as "Monsoon Wedding" and "Vanity Fair." According to Torrey, although Nair is the mother of Zohran Kwame Mamdani '14

Google News: Indus Travels Satisfies "Neo-Frugal Travelers" With New Luxury Maharaja Tour ...

[PR-USA.net (press release)] - Highlights of the trip include an elephant ride at Amber Fort & Palace, which served as the backdrop for the Mira Nair movie "Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love," a morning boat ride on the Ganges, a safari in Ranthambore National Park, which boasts one of the

Google News: Nem annyira amerikai - New York I Love You

[CSEPPEK.hu] - Talán épp azért nem az, mert olyan rendezőknek is teret adtak benne, mint az indiai Mira Nair, (ő jegyzi az Esküvő monszun idején-t) vagy Shekar Kapur, akik rendhagyó élet- és filmszemléletet hoznak magukkal afféle szükséges pluszként.
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