Miriam Karlin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Miriam Karlin)


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Slideshow: Leeds actress saves day for London show

[Yorkshire Evening Post] - "Actress Miriam Karlin had pulled out of the show due to ill health," said Thelma. The only problem was that the star that once filmed with Orson Welles had

The show must go on (but the prices come down)…..

[Stage] - But last Friday, the show went on - with a word-perfect Thelma Ruby taking over (also 84, but a few months older than Karlin, born March 23, 1925).

Miriam Karlin - Fakten - Star - TV SPIELFILM

الويبMiriam Karlin - Alle Bilder, Filme, TV Serien und Fakten finden Sie hier zum Star auf TV Spielfilm. Jetzt hier informieren!

Miriam Karlin | The Times

For an actress who spent most of her working life in the theatre, it was galling for Miriam Karlin to be mostly associated with a single part in a ...
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