Miriam Steinitz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Miriam Steinitz)


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EventsEnglish Language Learning Foundation

Miriam Steinitz-Kannan; 2012: Maria Hidalgo; 2013: Irene Encarnacion; 2014: Christine Erkine; 2015: Alison Palassis; 2016: Mary Ronan; 2017: Yasmeen Khan;

The Lakes of Ecuador: Sentinels of Global Climate ChangeYachay Tech

Miriam Steinitz Kannan. Ecuador has a great diversity of lakes in the paramo, the inter-Andean region, the Amazon Rainforest and Galapagos. Lakes serve as ...

Intelligent Design Theory: Science or Religion? - Page 164

The Kentucky Academy of Science, headed by Northern Kentucky University biology professor Miriam Steinitz Kannan, voted unanimously last ...

Winter wreaks havoc through all corners of campus – The Northerner

From facilities using about $200,000 worth of salt to help secure campus grounds to students feeling “cheated” out of about 12 percent of their class sessions...
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