Mohamed Abdel Basset Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohamed Abdel Basset)


(1 - 4 von 5
) Libyen Lockerbie-Attentäter Megrahi ist tot

[Spiegel Online] den Befehl für Lockerbie gegeben und Megrahi den Auftrag erteilt. "Um das zu vertuschen, tat er alles in seiner Macht stehende, um Megrahi aus Schottland zurückzuholen." Lockerbie - Attentäter : Abdel Basset Ali al - Megrahis Leben für Libyen.

Appointment of Prof. Dr. Ashraf Abdel Basset - President of Mansoura...
Mansoura University was founded in and is located at the middle of the Nile Delta in Egypt. The Study at the University covers the major disciplines;...

The meeting of Prof. Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Baset, President of the...
Sector of Post Graduate Studies, Research and Cultural Affairs, Mansoura University, Egypt

FBI — FBI Responds to Decision to Release Abdel Basset Mohamed...
We are deeply disappointed over the decision to release Abdel Basset Mohamed al-Megrahi from prison. Mr. Megrahi's guilt was firmly ...
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Mohamed Abdel
Vorname "Mohamed" (9191)
Name "Abdel Basset" (5)
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