Mohamed Samir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohamed Samir)


(1 - 4 von 31
) Schulbus rammt Zug: Mindestens 40 tote Kinder in Ägypten - DER SPIEGEL

Bei dem Zusammenstoß eines Zuges mit einem Bus sind in Ägypten mindestens 40 Kindergartenkinder getötet worden. Die Schranken am Übergang waren offenbar nicht...

P&G's billion dollar investment in Africa - CNN Video
CNN's Maggie Lake talks with Mohamed Samir of Procter & Gamble about what's attracting the company to ...

Egypt: Woman Prosecutor Pensioned Off For Assaulting a Police Officer...
The APA's spokesperson Mohamed Samir said that Sayed being referred to pension was not a punitive decision on the background of the ...

This Sushi Bike roams the streets of CairoYahoo
— ... Egypt(Mohamed Samir, Sushi Biker owner)“The idea is to serve sushi for people who can't afford to eat sushi in expensive restaurants. › sushi...
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