Mohammad Nazemi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammad Nazemi)


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PRESS DIGEST - Iran - Jan 6Reuters
— percent which is three percent higher than the marriage rate," said the head of State Naturalisation Office Mohammad Nazemi-Ardakani.

Le nombre de divorces explose en Iran : à Téhéran, près d' ...Le Huffington Post
— Le chef de l'état civil, Mohammad Nazemi Ardekani, a récemment averti qu'à ce rythme, la croissance démographique pourrait être nulle "d'ici ...

Draft law reduces Iranian women to 'baby-making machines', Amnesty...
Draft legislation aimed at boosting flagging birth rates in Iran threatens to reduce Iranian women to baby-making machines and set their rights back by...

Iran's president criticised over oil ministry candidate
The other nominees -- Mahmoud Farshidi for education, Parviz Kazemi for welfare and Mohammad Nazemi Ardekani for cooperatives -- were ...
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