Mohammed Ali El Zein Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammed Ali El Zein)


When it comes to luxury, there is no barrier between Saudis and...
The fashion capital’s history began with the  “Father of Haute Couture,” Charles Frederick Worth (Oct.

The government did not even ask us what we needed," a 33-year-old grocer and father of two children who lost his home and his shop in the bombing, Mohammed el Zein, said.

Nachrichten und aktuelle News aus Holzminden und dem › seit-zehn-jahren-rueckenwind-fuers-studium-in-holzminden
vor 53 Minuten · ... Öffentlichkeitsarbeit; Stipendiaten Ranya Oso (FH Soziale Arbeit) Mohammed El Zein (FH Soziale Arbeit). Foto: BI Pro Hochschule.
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