Mohammed Shoaib Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammed Shoaib)


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In 18 yrs, Zaveri Bazaar witness to three attacks
[Hindustan Times] - The case for confirmation of the death sentence is currently pending before the Bombay high court. In September 2006, a special TADA court convicted Mohammed Shoaib Mohammed Kasam Ghansar for planting an RDX-laden scooter at Zaveri Bazaar on March 12

走私銥赴印度 港漢被捕
[加拿大星島日報] - 孟買機場海關表示,被捕男子舒艾卜(Mohammed Shoaib),上月二十日晚由香港乘搭航機抵達孟買機場,當他試圖通過「綠色」通道時,關員發現他形跡可疑,截查下對方承認企圖走私銥入境,他以碳紙包封粉末狀的銥,再藏於行李箱內,涉案男子已被海關依法起訴。

Mohammed-Shoaib | National Post
Read the latest news and coverage on Mohammed Shoaib. View images, videos, and more on Mohammed Shoaib on National Post.

British Family of 12 Has Crossed Into ISIS Territory in Syria | Time
The three women left their husbands to bring their nine children to join a brother with ISIS
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