Monika Carrie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Monika Carrie)


(1 - 4 von 9

Dolphin photographed attacking porpoise off Aberdeen - BBC News
Walter Innes and fellow Shorewatch volunteer Monika Carrie were about to head home after an eventful day "staring at an empty sea" on ...

Go wild! Animals do the funniest things in hilarious candid...
The baby elephant faceplanting and giraffe gurning show that animals can be just like us - ungainly and comic

Comedy Wildlife Photo Award entries prove animals do slapstick too |...
The Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards are back for and, by the looks of these early entries, they’re funnier than ever.

Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards › fact › Comedy_Wildli...
Giraffe with unusual physical features, coping well at the waterhole, but looking very comical pictured by Monika Carrie for the Comedy Wildlife ...
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Philipp Freisfeld
Vorname "Monika" (57514)
Name "Carrie" (70)
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