Mouin Hammoud Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mouin Hammoud)


Migranten-Brüder schreiben eine Erfolgsgeschichte
· Claudia Eckhardt, Abdul Aziz Dakik, Mouin Hammoud, Olga Stobbe, Abdul Karim Dakik, Andreas Raetsch, Heinz-Jürgen Weber und Christian Alvermann (von links) in …

Security Forces Arrest Peaceful Druze Activists
— Air Force Intelligence arrested Mouin Hammoud Abu Dirghim and Hussam Suud Ghanem at the Somariyah bus station in Damascus, while they were ... › news

Lebanon resurrected | News24
Humanitarian relief has poured into Lebanon as aid agencies rushed to help thousands of people returning to rebuild villages torn apart by Israel's war with...
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