Moustafa Yehia Person-Info 

( Ich bin Moustafa Yehia)


Get To Know Egypt Guide Moustafa Yehia | GuideAdvisor
From the busiest streets to the beauty of the pyramids, guide Moustafa Yehia will bridge the gap between old and new to uncover an Egypt that will amaze you!

Слушатель МПО рассказал об истории Древнего Египта
— International Preparatory Department participant Moustafa Yehia Abdallah Yousef Sanad – his profession is an Egyptologist-guide - told the ... › journal_content
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Moustafa Yehia
Vorname "Moustafa" (184)
Name "Yehia" (59)
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