My Concubine Person-Info 

( Ich bin My Concubine)


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In black and white
[Xinhua] - As a translator, she made a good start with Hong Kong writer Lillian Lee's Farewell My Concubine which sold well, as it was published when the novel's film

Google News: Rian Johnson's LOOPER Relocates to China, Gains New Cast Member And Shane Carruth

[Obsessed With Film] - In return for this co-financing venture with Endgame, Johnson has cast Chinese actress Xu Qing (Farewell My Concubine) as Bruce Willis' wife.

Google News: Looking critically at queer film

[Bay Area Reporter] - They are Farewell My Concubine, by Helen Hok-Sze Leung, about the Cannes Palme d'Or-winning Chinese film by Chen Kaige; Fire, by Shohini Ghosh

'Sacrifice' story riveting
[Arab Times] - ZHUHAI, China, Jan 12, (RTRS): “Sacrifice,'' the third of Chen Kaige's works related to the stage, after “Farewell, My Concubine'' and “Forever Enthralled
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Name "Concubine" (2)
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