Nabil Hilal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nabil Hilal)


Guardian: Egypt's Tahrir Square returns to normal - in pictures | World news |...

Army clears protesters but small core of demonstrators remains in square at centre of protests that brought down Hosni Mubarak's regime

Preventing the surgical removal of millions of health dollars -...
A US medical devices company is taking the federal Government to court, claiming that 'price-fixing' of surgical equipment is costing the tax payer millions.

Nabil Hilal donates $250 to Josh Harder's campaign committee from...
Nabil Hilal donated $250 to Josh Harder from January to June, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Applied Medical Wins $20 Million in Patent Case - Los Angeles Times
Health: The Laguna Hills company said industry giant U.S. Surgical copied its design for ab…l tubes.
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Person "Hilal" (1)
Vorname "Nabil" (1471)
Name "Hilal" (140)
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