Nafeesa Binti Hussain Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nafeesa Binti Hussain)


Rescued from the rubble | The Bolton News
An eagle-eyed grandmother has manged to save part of a school's history from the bulldozers.

RoadStar winner says patience key to safe driving | Transport – Gulf...
Be patient. That was the advice to motorists in Dubai by Camon Manole, a 50-year-old Romanian expatriate who was one of the winners of the Caltex RoadStar safe...

Worker crushed to death | Bucks Free Press
A WORKER was crushed to death after a ten-foot wall collapsed on top of him on Wednesday.
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Person "Hussain" (2)
Vorname "Binti" (50)
Name "Hussain" (4974)
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