Naser Farid Person-Info 

( Ich bin Naser Farid)


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Egypt Mufti: Insurance a Social Need | Al › NEWS
The Egyptian Mufti, Sheikh Naser Farid Wassel, said this week that the exigencies of daily life had made all types of insurance a necessity.

Delhi nods to 3 lakh tonnes rice sale | The Daily › news-detail...
... lawmaker Narayan Chandra Chanda and Director General of Food Planning and Storage Unit M Naser Farid were, among others, present.

Naser Farid Wasel en EL PAÍS
Todas las noticias sobre Naser Farid Wasel publicadas en EL PAÍS. Información, novedades y última hora sobre Naser Farid Wasel.

After Bush nudges, neither side budges - Los Angeles Times
The president ends his meetings without Israeli or Palestinian leaders committing to action on key issues in peace talks.
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Person "Farid" (3)
Vorname "Naser" (493)
Name "Farid" (813)
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