Natalie Banks Person-Info 

( Ich bin Natalie Banks)


(1 - 4 von 19

A shark cull divides a nation - BBC News
Western Australia has introduced a programme to cull sharks, after several fatal attacks. But it's a divisive policy with many critics.

Shark forum in Gracetown to discuss alternatives to drum lines |...
Event organiser Natalie Banks, who put together a giant anti-drum line rally at Cottesloe Beach last year, said the community discussion was ...

Protest to save WA sharks gets international attention
The WA government's plan to bait and kill large sharks off Perth beaches has attracted attention from around the world.

Guardian: Natalie Banks | The Guardian

Natalie Banks is the Chair of No Shark Cull and is responsible for the rallies against drum lines in Western Australia to catch and kill sharks.
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