Natasja Oerlemans Person-Info 

( Ich bin Natasja Oerlemans)


(1 - 4 von 8

Guardian: Dutch cow poo overload causes an environmental stink | Environment |...

Dairy farms in the Netherlands are producing so much dung they can’t get rid of it safely. Now the WWF is calling for a 40% cut in herd numbers to protect the...

Crusading women battle for seats in EU elections
ELECTIONS COUNTDOWN - With eight days to go, four women with strong anti-corruption credentials are battling to make it to Brussels, even as campaigning...

Die skurrilen Kandidaten bei der Europawahl
Wir stellen Ihnen die skurrilen Kandidaten bei der Europawahl am 7. Juni vor. Gabriele Pauli Die ehemalige Skandalfrau der CSU, Gabriele Pauli, kämpft in

Iedere koe in de EU krijgt anderhalve euro subsidie per dag
[b]Iedere koe in de EU krijgt anderhalve euro subsidie per dag (Natasja Oerlemans, lijsttrekker voor de Partij voor de Dieren, in het tv-programma Pauw en ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Natasja Oerlemans
Vorname "Natasja" (148)
Name "Oerlemans" (69)
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